Pro-EV Op-Eds
Tax-Credit Abuses Shouldn't Stop Subsidies (The Wall Street Journal) October 21, 2019
Subsidize My Electric Car, Please (The Wall Street Journal) September 3, 2019
It’s Time to Expand the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit (Forbes) July 10, 2019
Commonsense legislation supports use of electric vehicles | Opinion (Knox News) July 8, 2019
Another View: Electric cars vs. climate change (Central Maine) July 2, 2019
The Truth About the EV Tax Credit (Medium) June 28, 2019
In lobbying battle for electric vehicle tax credit, it’s car makers vs. the oil and gas industry (The Washington Post) June 25, 2019
Electric cars are finally starting to take off. Congress should keep them affordable (The Washington Post) April 15, 2019